Mike Haggerty Consulting


Conducted several different stream habitat monitoring projects including a long term post restoration monitoring project on Morse Creek.  Stream temperature and habitat inventories in the Clallam River and Lake Ozette watersheds.  Conducted a multi-year study in the Hoh River drainage monitoring the perennial initiation point in small headwater streams.



 Worked on several watershed analyses and assessments including: Hoko River watershed analysis, Sekiu-Coastal watershed analysis, middle Hoh River fish habitat and channel modules, Salt Creek watershed assessment, Pysht River floodplain inventory and assessment, Clallam River watershed assessment, Lake Ozette tributary habitat assessment.


 Multiple years experience conducting salmon stock assessments including: spawning ground escapement estimates using redd counts, live counts, weirs and time lapse underwater video counts, and mobile sonar (using DIDSON and ARIS).  Conducted numerous salmonid smolt and fry emigration enumeration studies, and developed ocean abundance forecasts for the management of international fisheries.

Hatchery Program Evaluation​

 I began working on hatchery planning in the late 1990s when our team at the Makah Tribe completed the Lake Ozette Sockeye Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan.  I have consulted on hatchery operations, outplanting, and various other aspects of hatchery management.  I have worked for the last 4-years evaluating the effects of Puget Sound hatcheries on ESA-listed steelhead, summer chum, and Chinook salmon.


 I have spent over 20-years trying to better understand and predict the use of off-channel habitat by coho salmon on the Olympic Peninsula.  I have developed an extensive spatial database of occupied habitats.  I continue to conduct off-channel habitat assessments, as well as evaluations of proposals in or around off-channel habitat.