Below is a link to the final report.

WSJF Salmonid Habitat Conservation Plan

The Western Strait of Juan de Fuca (WSJF) Habitat Conservation Plan identifies and prioritizes aquatic and riparian habitat that are important to salmon and steelhead productivity and survival.  The plan specifically focuses on the most important floodplain, riparian, and nearshore habitats.  Habitat conditions and aquatic ecosystem health are a function of the interaction between watershed controls, watershed processes, and land use.  Land use plays a key role in how vegetation affects habitat forming processes occurring within a watershed: sediment supply, hydrological regime, organic inputs, nutrient supply, and light/heat inputs.  Salmonid populations depend on the existing quantity and quality of salmon habitat in the freshwater and marine environments.

Below are links to KMZ files which include floodplain habitats, WRIA 19 freshwater habitats, and nearshore habitat units.  These files will open in Google Earth, but can also be converted to shapefiles in ArcMap.


WRIA 19 Habitats

WRIA 19 Nearshore Habitat Units

Mike Haggerty Consulting